The 11th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 26, 2025 - Sunday, 2 p.m.
Dr. Helena Hyesoo Kim, Chair

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Fall Workshop with Kevin Olson, Aug 16-17, 2024
August 16, 2024 – Recital in Whitmore Recital Hall
7:00pm Recital of Kevin Olson Works, MU Whitmore Recital Hall in Fine Arts Building – Free and open event! Performances by MMAMTA students, teachers, and Kevin Olson.
August 17, 2024 – Morning Sessions in Sinquefield Music Center and Lunch and Master Class in FAB
8:30-9:10am Potluck Drop Off (optional) MU Fine Arts Building 134
TO ALL ATTENDEES: Our fall-workshop has always included a potluck in which members contribute their favorite dishes to share with all. Please sign up on this google doc to indicate what you plan to bring:
We have invited members of the Federation to attend the events (we hope they will join our group!), so consider enlarging your food contribution if you can.
7:00pm Recital of Kevin Olson Works, MU Whitmore Recital Hall in Fine Arts Building – Free and open event! Performances by MMAMTA students, teachers, and Kevin Olson.
August 17, 2024 – Morning Sessions in Sinquefield Music Center and Lunch and Master Class in FAB
8:30-9:10am Potluck Drop Off (optional) MU Fine Arts Building 134
- Drop-off food your potluck food at the Parking Lot attached to FAB’s westside (you will be met by the Paveys).
- You may then drive to park in the parking lot to the back of the Sinquefield Music Center or into the Hitt Street Garage and then go up to SMC 385 – classroom on the 3rd floor (you will be met by Peter Miyamoto)
- 9:15am Greetings and Session I - “AMP”-ing up Student Motivation through Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose: a deep-dive into the latest research in the field of motivational psychology, and how we can use these techniques to increase student engagement and retention. Will also include some thoughts on teaching and retaining the Gen-Z student.
- 10:45am Session II - Teaching Tools to Combat “The Creativity Crisis”: an examination of practice teaching techniques that can encourage improvisation, arranging, and composing with a generation of students who are scoring lower and lower on creativity tests.
- 12:00pm Potluck lunch in FAB 145
- 1:30pm Master Class of Kevin Olson Pieces (Whitmore Recital Hall)
- 3:30pm End
TO ALL ATTENDEES: Our fall-workshop has always included a potluck in which members contribute their favorite dishes to share with all. Please sign up on this google doc to indicate what you plan to bring:
We have invited members of the Federation to attend the events (we hope they will join our group!), so consider enlarging your food contribution if you can.
The 10th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 14, 2024 - Sunday 3:30pm
Due to inclement weather, we have decided to hold an Online meeting instead of meeting in person. Please stay safe and warm!
January 14, 2024 - Sunday 3:30pm
Due to inclement weather, we have decided to hold an Online meeting instead of meeting in person. Please stay safe and warm!
The 10th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 14, 2024 - Sunday 3:30pm
ONLINE, due to inclement weather.
Margaret Bonds (1913-1972)
"Troubled Water"
Peter Miyamoto
Yoshinao Nakada - The Four Seasons of Japan
1. "Spring has come and cherry blossoms bloomed"
2. "A bright sky of May, and Mt. Fuji"
Helena Hyesoo Kim and Curtis Pavey
January 14, 2024 - Sunday 3:30pm
ONLINE, due to inclement weather.
Margaret Bonds (1913-1972)
"Troubled Water"
Peter Miyamoto
Yoshinao Nakada - The Four Seasons of Japan
1. "Spring has come and cherry blossoms bloomed"
2. "A bright sky of May, and Mt. Fuji"
Helena Hyesoo Kim and Curtis Pavey
Due to the pandemic, the 2021 and 2022 Teachers' Recitals were cancelled.
The 9th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 26, 2020 - Sunday 3:00pm
The Whitmore Recital Hall - The MU School of Music in Columbia

2020_mmamta_teachers_recital_program.pdf |
2019 - Cancelled.
The 8th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 21, 2018 - Sunday at 3:00pm
The Whitmore Recital Hall
The MU School of Music in Columbia
Pictures from Odyssey Chamber Music Series' Kids@Heart: Tales Around the World
January 13, 2018 - Saturday at 3pm / First Baptist Church in Columbia
Sponsored by MMAMTA
Photos by Katherine F. Blake Photography
Pictures from the 7th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 22, 2017 - Sunday at 3pm / First Christian Church in Jefferson City
The 6th Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers' Recital
January 24, 2016 - Sunday at 3:00pm
Broadway Christian Church in Columbia
Pictures from the 5th Music Teachers' Recital
January 25, 2015
January 25 [Sun], 2015 at 3pm
MMAMTA Annual Teachers Recital
Two Characteristic Marches, Op. 121 Franz Schubert
No. 1 Allegro vivace (1797-1828)
Jan Houser and Karen Larvick, piano duet
Six Songs for Voice and Piano, Op. 63 3’ Felix Mendelssohn
4. Herbstlied (1809-1847)
Susan Quigley-Duggan, soprano
Laura Wiebe, mezzo-soprano
Ruth Robertson, piano
Moments Musicaux, Op. 94 Franz Schubert
No 2 in A-Flat Major 6’ (1797 - 1828)
No. 3 in F Minor 2’
Timothy Werts, piano
Fantasie No 1 - This is the way an eagle feels William Bergsma
Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op. 26 Robert Schumann
IV. Intermezzo Colla più grande energia (1810-1856)
Anne Manahan, piano
Guillaume Tel 5’ Gioachino Rossini
No. 20 Trio: Je rends à votre amour (1792-1868)
Susan Quigley-Duggan, soprano
Laura Wiebe mezzo-soprano
Ruth Robertson, mezzo-soprano
Jan Houser, piano
Sorex (a celebration of untamed shrews) 7’ Emily Doolittle
(b. 1972)
Paola Savvidou and Jonathan Kuuskoski, piano duet
Waltzes, Op. 39 Johannes Brahms
No. 1 in B Major (1833-1897)
No. 2 in E Major
No. 3 in G-sharp Minor
No. 4 in E Minor
No. 5 in E Major
No. 6 in C-sharp Major
No. 15 in A-flat Major
Peter Miyamoto, piano
Two Characteristic Marches, Op. 121 Franz Schubert
No. 1 Allegro vivace (1797-1828)
Jan Houser and Karen Larvick, piano duet
Six Songs for Voice and Piano, Op. 63 3’ Felix Mendelssohn
4. Herbstlied (1809-1847)
Susan Quigley-Duggan, soprano
Laura Wiebe, mezzo-soprano
Ruth Robertson, piano
Moments Musicaux, Op. 94 Franz Schubert
No 2 in A-Flat Major 6’ (1797 - 1828)
No. 3 in F Minor 2’
Timothy Werts, piano
Fantasie No 1 - This is the way an eagle feels William Bergsma
Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op. 26 Robert Schumann
IV. Intermezzo Colla più grande energia (1810-1856)
Anne Manahan, piano
Guillaume Tel 5’ Gioachino Rossini
No. 20 Trio: Je rends à votre amour (1792-1868)
Susan Quigley-Duggan, soprano
Laura Wiebe mezzo-soprano
Ruth Robertson, mezzo-soprano
Jan Houser, piano
Sorex (a celebration of untamed shrews) 7’ Emily Doolittle
(b. 1972)
Paola Savvidou and Jonathan Kuuskoski, piano duet
Waltzes, Op. 39 Johannes Brahms
No. 1 in B Major (1833-1897)
No. 2 in E Major
No. 3 in G-sharp Minor
No. 4 in E Minor
No. 5 in E Major
No. 6 in C-sharp Major
No. 15 in A-flat Major
Peter Miyamoto, piano
Mid Missouri Area Music Teachers Association
Fifth Annual Music Teachers’ Recital
Sunday, JANUARY 25, 2015
3:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
327 E. Capitol Ave.
Jefferson, City, MO
The Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers Association presents “Mostly Romantic,” their fifth annual teachers’ recital, on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Jefferson City’s First Christian Church is hosting the event at 327 E. Capitol Avenue.
The largest part of this recital "cake" is music from the Romantic Era (nineteenth composers Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms and Gioachino Rossini), with a delicious "icing" from the Twenty-first century: pieces by William Bergsma and Emily Doolittle.
The public is invited to come "taste" all parts of this cake, stirreed up for you by performers who teach private piano or vocal lessons in mid-Missouri. They include three piano soloists: Peter Miyamoto, Timothy Werts and Anne Manahan all of Columbia. The two piano duet teams are Jan Houser and Karen Larvick of Jefferson City, and Paola Savvidou and Jonathan Kuuskoski of Columbia. The vocalists are soprano Susan Quigley-Duggan and mezzo-soprano Laura Wiebe from Fayette and Ruth Robertson, mezzo-soprano of Jefferson City.
The public is cordially invited to attend this free recital. A MMAMTA Business meeting will follow the recital. For more information, contact event coordinator Ruth Robertson at [email protected]or leave a message at 573-681-5287.
Fifth Annual Music Teachers’ Recital
Sunday, JANUARY 25, 2015
3:00 p.m.
First Christian Church
327 E. Capitol Ave.
Jefferson, City, MO
The Mid-Missouri Area Music Teachers Association presents “Mostly Romantic,” their fifth annual teachers’ recital, on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Jefferson City’s First Christian Church is hosting the event at 327 E. Capitol Avenue.
The largest part of this recital "cake" is music from the Romantic Era (nineteenth composers Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms and Gioachino Rossini), with a delicious "icing" from the Twenty-first century: pieces by William Bergsma and Emily Doolittle.
The public is invited to come "taste" all parts of this cake, stirreed up for you by performers who teach private piano or vocal lessons in mid-Missouri. They include three piano soloists: Peter Miyamoto, Timothy Werts and Anne Manahan all of Columbia. The two piano duet teams are Jan Houser and Karen Larvick of Jefferson City, and Paola Savvidou and Jonathan Kuuskoski of Columbia. The vocalists are soprano Susan Quigley-Duggan and mezzo-soprano Laura Wiebe from Fayette and Ruth Robertson, mezzo-soprano of Jefferson City.
The public is cordially invited to attend this free recital. A MMAMTA Business meeting will follow the recital. For more information, contact event coordinator Ruth Robertson at [email protected]or leave a message at 573-681-5287.
Pictures from the 4th Music Teachers' Recital, January 26, 2014

2014_music_teachers_recital_-_post_recital_report_by_r_robertson.pdf |
November 1 [Sat] & 2 [Sun], 2014
MMAMTA Honors Recitals

First Baptist Church in Columbia. Photo by Katie Shay.
This year there are two weekend dates at the Bixby Lecture Hall in Columbia College and First Baptist Church in Columbia, available for our students to prepare for the upcoming MTNA and MMTA State Auditions in November. Interested teachers are encouraged to have their student(s) choose one of the two audition pieces, so that everyone will have a chance to perform. November 2 [Sat] is scheduled 2:00pm+ at First Baptist Church, and November 3 [Sun] is scheduled in two recitals at 1:30pm and 3pm at Columbia College. Please contact Beverly Kyriakos [Nov 2] and Ayako Tsuruta [Nov 1] if you have interested participating students.
Drop by to listen to the young performers!
The performances are free and open to the public.
Drop by to listen to the young performers!
The performances are free and open to the public.